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Identity Malta starts rolling out new high-tech ID cards

Identity Malta starts rolling out new high-tech ID cards

A new more technologically advanced Identity Card started being circulated by Identity Malta.

Bankalarca Kullanılacak Uzaktan Kimlik Tespiti Yöntemlerine İlişkin Tebliğ

Bankalarca Kullanılacak Uzaktan Kimlik Tespiti Yöntemlerine İlişkin Tebliğ

Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu (BDDK), bankalar tarafından yeni müşteri kazanımında ve müşteri kimliğinin doğrulanmasında kullanılabilecek uzaktan kimlik tespiti yöntemlerini belirlemek üzere, ‘Bankalarca Kullanılacak Uzaktan Kimlik Tespiti Yöntemlerine İlişkin Tebliğ Taslağı’ hazırladı.

Fake passport racket: police catch 120 foreigners with false travel documents

Fake passport racket: police catch 120 foreigners with false travel documents

The phenomenon of people trying to travel with falsified documents has been made worse by the pandemic and the cases stopped in Malta are a reflection of what has happened in other European borders

Launch of new Taiwan passport set for January 2021

Launch of new Taiwan passport set for January 2021

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The new passport that gives a prominent place to the name “Taiwan” and reduces the size of the term “Republic of China” will become available to the public in Jan. 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) announced Tuesday (Sept. 29).

Passports department proposes a third bid for e-passports

Passports department proposes a third bid for e-passports

Officials warn of a passport shortage with the stock likely to last just a few months. The Department of Passports has recommended the Ministry of Foreign Affair to scrap the e-passports bid after none of the four bidders submitted the required documents. The department has now proposed calling another bid with a short deadline to the prospective bidders in order to avoid passport shortage.

2 in 1: New Turkish IDs to serve as driver’s license

2 in 1: New Turkish IDs to serve as driver’s license

The electronic identification cards introduced by Turkey back in 2017 will start serving as a valid driver’s license as of Sept. 21, Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said Friday.

Tüm dünya pasaportlarını okuyabilmek

Tüm dünya pasaportlarını okuyabilmek

Profesyonel anlamda kullanıma hazır hale getirmemiz 4 sene sürdü. Fakat araştırma ve geliştirme süremiz için 2 sene öncesini unutmamak gerekiyor. Mümkün olduğuna emin olmak ve gereksinimleri hazırlamak ve bunu test etmek daha doğrusu test edebilmek için imkan oluşturmak en zor olanıydı. Doğudan batıya, güneyden kuzeye kadar her ülkenin pasaportlarını test etmemiz gerekiyordu.

Download NFCREAD

NFCREAD works without the need for a server, no additional server costs. All operations, scanning and reading steps are done on the device.

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